How to Read Illinois Lottery Instant Game Prize List


Illinois Lottery recently made headlines when they unveiled the inaugural Special Olympics Lottery game - a $5 game meant to support Special Olympic sports training programs across Illinois. Illinois General Assembly will determine how lottery…

Is Lucky 8 Still an Iowa Lottery Game?


Iowa Lotteries Inc. reports there are currently 115 unclaimed lottery prizes worth more than $600 that remain unclaimed, including two $625 prizes, several $800 prizes and over 70 $1,000+ awards.Since a ticket purchased in Davenport…

What is a State Lottery?


State lotteries offer players an opportunity to win cash or goods or services prizes through gambling, with each state lottery regulated through state legislature laws which lay out various details such as how long winners…

How to Play Lotto Housie Game


Charity Housie is an interesting variation of Bingo: players purchase a ticket book containing numbered squares at the beginning of each session and must mark them off as they are called out by an impartial…

How to Play the New Lotto Game


Although the jackpot amount is now guaranteed and prize pool increased, selecting numbers still requires some strategy. Some players use something called a "number pattern," for instance an 8 has more paint than either 1…

How to Program Forex Robots


Forex Robots are computer programs that trade on behalf of traders based on a trading strategy they have been programmed with. Forex robots can trade 24 hours a day, automatically analyzing market conditions and identifying…

Is Forex Trading Halal in Islam?


Forex trading has emerged as an integral component of global financial markets, appealing to investors with its dynamic nature and promise of significant returns. But for Muslims, its emergence raises serious concerns over whether currency…

What Slot Machine Hits the Most Jackpots?


People may be shocked to learn that slots offer the largest jackpots at casinos. Though the chances of hitting it big can be slim, you still stand a good chance at smaller wins as well.…